Category: PDF Files
Influence Line Diagram (PDF)
Design of Plate Girder (PDF)
All the basic & important step are given in this PDF. You can easily design any plate girder on the basis of these steps with a simple process of design by following our given steps in the PDF file provided below. You can download it and save it for your convenience so that you don’t have to visit again just only for these steps. Video tutorials are also available on our dedicated YouTube channel Technical civil which are also based on this PDF file. So you can visit our channel…
Quantities of R.C.C. Beam (PDF)
Bar Bending Schedule (BBS)
What is Bar Bending Schedule ? It is a sheet/table of specifications about steel bars which are going to be used on site as per design of that structure. It shows the type, shape, length, weight and numbers of bars which are going to be used on site as per the design of structure. You can Download this Bar Bending Schedule Sheet from below. Importance of BBS: As we know that the labours working on site are not technically educated so that they can decide on their own that how…
Design of Tension Members (PDF)
Download this pdf file for reference and practice purpose or you can also visit our dedicated YouTube channel Technical civil for better and detailed explanation of this topic. Design of Tension members [Download PDF]
Analysis of Tension Members (PDF)
Download this pdf file for you practice and you can also understand this topic with same notes on our dedicated YouTube channel Analysis of tension members (Part-1) Download
Design Of Intze Water Tank PDF
Learn how to design intze water tank with a solved numerical from this pdf file. You can also watch explanatory video based on this pdf file on our Dedicated YouTube channel “Technical civil”.
Estimation of a Residential Building by Long wall Short wall method
Estimation of Residential building by “Long wall Short wall” method
Download PDF file of this Estimation. Learn complete estimation process for a residential building with each and every detail in this PDF file. If you want videos of explanation for this estimation, you can easily watch it from our dedicated YouTube channel “Technical civil”.