Repeated theories:
- What is break water? Give classification of break water and explain any one.
- Describe airport master planning process as per ICAO recommendations.
- What are the different types of lock gates? Explain with sketch the mitre type gate and sector gate with a sketch of closed sector gate.
- What is dredging? Which are the objectives of dredging?
- Distinguish between Jetty and Wharves.
- Write a note on visual aids and runway lighting.
- What is the function of a hanger? Explain the Nose hangers and T hangers with neat sketch.
- Enlist different types of locks and explain any one.
- What is floating dock? Give its advantages and disadvantages.
- How the water waves are generated? Explain by drawing sketch shallow waves and deep waves.
- Explain (i) Littoral drift (ii) Fenders
- What is the function of taxiway in airport? Explain exit taxiway and holding apron.
- Enlist the constituents of harbour. Draw the sketch of a typical artificial harbour.
- One numerical of runway length. (Must)
- Explain different characteristics of an aircraft.
Non-repeated theories:
- Discuss classification of harbour based on different criteria.
- Which are the aims and functions of airport drainage?
- What do you mean by tides? Which are the types of tides?
- Draw the typical layout of a harbour showing all components.
- Write classification of harbour.
- What are the site selection criteria for harbour planning?
- What is the need of harbour maintenance? What are the methods of maintenance of harbour?
- What are the types of marine structures? Write functions of each.
- What is clearway and stop-way?
- What is the significance of water transportation? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of water transportation.
- Write a short note on light house with figure.
- Write short note on (i) Harbour maintenance (ii) Ship characteristics
- What do you understand by terminal building? What are the facilities provided in terminal building? Also draw typical layout of airport terminal building.
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