RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION FOR VARIOUS POSTS IN CIVIL & OPERATIONS Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) Limited, a 50:50 Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) jointly owned by Government of India and Government of Gujarat is entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project. GMRC invites application from qualified and experienced candidates for appointment of various positions in departments like Civil, Design, Architecture, Surveyor, Operations and others. The posts/appointments will be only on contract with minimum 3 to 5 years on standard terms and conditions of an organization. Read more Selection:…
Muller Breslau Principle
Who is Muller Breslau? The real and full name of Muller Breslau is “Heinrich Franz Bernhard Muller” and he was born in a city name Breslau. He was a German civil engineer and also a high school teacher. He was known as “Muller Breslau” (it means Muller from Breslau) to distinguish himself from other people with similar name. He provided significant contribution to the theory of beam and frame in structural analysis. Muller Breslau Principle: It states that, if an internal stress component or reaction is considered to act through…
Influence Line Diagram (PDF)
Solved Example of I.L.D. (Video)
Influence Line Diagram (Video)
Influence Line Diagram
What is Influence Line Diagram? It’s a diagram which shows the reactions, Shear force and Bending moment at each and every section or instant at any distance of any span that you want to find out. In short, Influence Line Diagram shows the influence or effect of loads or reaction on the span. Importance of Influence Line Diagram: Since, its very time consuming and tedious to find out the reactions, shear force and bending moment with our regular or conventional method of analysis. But ILD is the quick and simple…
Design of Plate Girder (PDF)
All the basic & important step are given in this PDF. You can easily design any plate girder on the basis of these steps with a simple process of design by following our given steps in the PDF file provided below. You can download it and save it for your convenience so that you don’t have to visit again just only for these steps. Video tutorials are also available on our dedicated YouTube channel Technical civil which are also based on this PDF file. So you can visit our channel…
Quantities of R.C.C. Beam (PDF)
Bar Bending Schedule (BBS)
What is Bar Bending Schedule ? It is a sheet/table of specifications about steel bars which are going to be used on site as per design of that structure. It shows the type, shape, length, weight and numbers of bars which are going to be used on site as per the design of structure. You can Download this Bar Bending Schedule Sheet from below. Importance of BBS: As we know that the labours working on site are not technically educated so that they can decide on their own that how…
Types of Contracts
1. Item rate contract This is also known as Unit price contract. In this contract, contractor quotes his rates for per unit of each item of construction. Bill of quantities is prepared as accurately as possible. Certain reasonable variations in the quantities being accepted by both the parties. Most of the public works are carried out under this form of the contract. 2. Percentage rate contract Department draws up the schedule of items according to the description of items sanctioned in the estimate with the quantities, units, rates and amounts…