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Steps involved in the process of Designing a Builiding

The construction of any structure involves many steps. Although the structural designer is not responsible for each of these steps, he should be involved in most of them so that the resulting structure is safe, stable, serviceable, durable, and is economically viable and aesthetically pleasing, and does not have an adverse impact on the environment. The necessary steps may be listed as follows:

From these steps, it may be clear that accurate calculations alone may not produce safe, serviceable, and durable structures. Suitable materials, quality control, adequate detailing, good supervision, and maintenance are also equally important

While executing the various steps, the structural engineer has to interact with the architect/project manager and also with others (electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, surveyors, urban planners, estimators, etc.) and incorporate their requirements into the design (e.g., load due to mechanical and electrical systems)

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