Learn how to design intze water tank with a solved numerical from this pdf file. You can also watch explanatory video based on this pdf file on our Dedicated YouTube channel “Technical civil”.
Tag: shaikh yunus
Estimation of Residential building by “Long wall Short wall” method
Download PDF file of this Estimation. Learn complete estimation process for a residential building with each and every detail in this PDF file. If you want videos of explanation for this estimation, you can easily watch it from our dedicated YouTube channel “Technical civil”.
Contingencies & Work charged Establishment
Contingencies The term “contingencies” indicates the incidental expenses of miscellaneous character which cannot be classified under any distinct item sub-head, yet pertain to the work as a whole. To meet such unforeseen expenses an additional amount of 3% to 5% of the estimated cost of the works is provided in the total estimate. Miscellaneous incidental expenses which cannot be classified under any sub-head or item, are met from the amount provided under contingencies. For example, suppose there is an item in estimate for cement plastering 1:4 with neat cement finish,…