All definitions mentioned under these title are mutatis and mutandis with the Fire Prevention and Life Safety Measurement Act-2013, Rules-2014 and Regulations-2016 made their under and amended from time to time. Automatic Sprinkler System means an arrangement of pipes and sprinklers, automatically operated by heat and discharging water on fire, simultaneously an audible alarm. Combustible Material means that material which when burnt adds heat to a fire when tested for combustibility in a accordance with the IS : 3808-1966 Method of Test for Combustibility of Building Material, National Building Code.…
Tag: technical civil
Residential Apartment
Important Definitions For Every Civil Engineer
Apartment / Flats: Means multi-storied residential buildings constructed in a detached or semi-detached manner designed as ground floor with more upper floors and constructed as separate dwelling units with common stair case. Detached Building: “Detached building” means a building with walls and roofs independent of any other building and with open spaces on all sides. Semi-Detached Building: “Semi-Detached Building” means a building having one or more side attached with wall and roof with other building. Tenement: “Tenement” Means a residential dwelling unit constructed in a detached or semidetached manner. Each…
Residential Apartment Floor Plan
Bungalow Floor Plan
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Important theories for FE exam as per GTU
Repeated theories: Give the comparison between disturbed and un disturbed samples. Discuss various types of shallow foundation with neat figures. Explain plate load test & its significance. What is negative skin friction? Explain with figure. Discuss Characteristics of expansive soil. Explain in detail various uses of geosynthetics. List various types of geosynthetics with their functions. Explain construction method of sheet pile wall. Explain effect of ground water table on safe bearing capacity of soil. Non-repeated theories: Write the purpose of foundation. Enlist methods of sub-soil exploration & explain any one…
R.R.C.S. Important theories for exam as per G.T.U.
Repeated theories: Explain carbonation in concrete? How it is determined in concrete. What are the limitation associated with it. What do you mean by jacketing? Explain column jacketing with neat sketch. Discuss Ferro cement in brief. Write shot note on vacuum concrete. What are the causes of distress in Structures? Explain various types of cracks and various causes of Structural racks. List various Non-destructive tests for assessment of strength of concrete. Explain any one in detail. How corrosion occurs in RCC Structures. Discuss various corrosion mitigation techniques. Discuss scenario of…