Bar Bending Schedule (BBS)

What is Bar Bending Schedule ? It is a sheet/table of specifications about steel bars which are going to be used on site as per design of that structure. It shows the type, shape, length, weight and numbers of bars which are going to be used on site as per the design of structure. You can Download this Bar Bending Schedule Sheet from below. Importance of BBS: As we know that the labours working on site are not technically educated so that they can decide on their own that how…

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Types of Contracts

1. Item rate contract This is also known as Unit price contract. In this contract, contractor quotes his rates for per unit of each item of construction. Bill of quantities is prepared as accurately as possible. Certain reasonable variations in the quantities being accepted by both the parties. Most of the public works are carried out under this form of the contract. 2. Percentage rate contract Department draws up the schedule of items according to the description of items sanctioned in the estimate with the quantities, units, rates and amounts…

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What is Contract ? Requirements of Valid Contract ?

Contract : It is an understanding or agreement by a person or a firm to do any work under certain terms and conditions. The work may be for the construction, maintenance & repair, for the supply of materials, for the supply of labor, etc. A contract is an agreement which can be enforced by law. In order to make this agreement valid, there must be a definite offer and equally definite and unconditional acceptance of this offer. As per The Indian Contract Act, of 1872 section 2(a), Proposal : When…

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Rules and Criteria for measurement of Plastering

Rules for Deduction : No deduction shall be made for openings less than 0.5 sq m in area, and no addition shall be made reveals, jambs, soffits, sills, etc. of these openings. No deduction shall be made for ends of joists, steps, etc. not exceeding 0.5 sq m in area. For openings exceeding 0.5 sq m but not exceeding 3 sq m and when both faces are plastered with same type of plaster each deduction shall be made for one face only, and the other face shall be allowed for…

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Estimation of Residential building by “Long wall Short wall” method

Download PDF file of this Estimation. Learn complete estimation process for a residential building with each and every detail in this PDF file. If you want videos of explanation for this estimation, you can easily watch it from our dedicated YouTube channel “Technical civil”. 

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Contingencies & Work charged Establishment

Contingencies The term “contingencies” indicates the incidental expenses of miscellaneous character which cannot be classified under any distinct item sub-head, yet pertain to the work as a whole. To meet such unforeseen expenses an additional amount of 3% to 5% of the estimated cost of the works is provided in the total estimate. Miscellaneous incidental expenses which cannot be classified under any sub-head or item, are met from the amount provided under contingencies. For example, suppose there is an item in estimate for cement plastering 1:4 with neat cement finish,…

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Long wall-Short wall method: Estimation up-to Plinth level

Learn how to estimate and calculate various quantities of sub-structure or structure up-to plinth level which includes; Excavation for foundation P.C.C in foundation Brick work in foundation. Its very simple to calculate theses all the quantities using long wall-short wall method. You will easily understand this method after studying this PDF file given below. For better explanation, you can also watch videos on our YouTube channel “Technical CiViL”.

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